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He took me home around five o clock and walked me to my door. I said goodnight and was about to go inside when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see him with that nervous look in his eyes. "I had a lot of fun today Lillian, I think you're a really great girl," he started. I smiled at him. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me sometime?" He scratched his neck nervously, I noticed that was a habit he had.
"Okay," I agreed. His nervous look melted into one of relief and he smiled.
"Great, what are you doing on Friday?"
"I usually go to The Club on Friday's and stay over at my friend Beth's house. But I think I can skip The Club one weekend," I told him.
"We can still go there if you want, I can take you out to dinner before hand and then we can go there. You owe me a dance anyway," he said with a grin. I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, I do eh?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, maybe if you're lucky you'll get that dance," I said with a smile. He laughed.
"You really are something," he said.
"I know," I reached out and hugged him. I don't know what caused me to do it besides the fact that I wanted to. But I felt pulled to him in some way. He was probably stunned for a minute, so it took him a second to reply, but he wrapped his arms around me, giving me a squeeze and letting go.
"Goodnight beautiful," he said before winking and walking away. I watched him go before going inside. There may have been something off about him, but I liked him anyway.
Chapter Seven: Not on the First DateThe needle dropped
My track was hot
We began to rock
Our eyes were locked
Family Force Five- Earthquake
When Lillian greeted me at the door that night I had to remember to breathe. I had seen her in her club get up before, but I was just stunned. That is not something that usually happens to me and I didn't like that I was feeling different about her than other girls I had conquered before.
And instead of getting lustful thoughts in my head, though they did appear by the end of the night, I was reminded of her hug. Never in my life, from anyone besides my mother, had I gotten a hug. Girls that I usually wasted my time with didn't hug me, they went straight for the heated make out sessions. I never even held a girl after we were through with sex, I didn't see the point.
It was an innocent gesture, but it made my stomach do crazy things. I wasn't sure how I felt about it.
"Ready to go?" I asked with a smile.
"Yeah, let me grab my phone real quick," she said and disappeared back into the house for a minute. I watched as she walked back and a grin appeared on my face as I watched her shove her phone down her shirt and readjust herself. She looked up and saw me watching. I thought I saw her blush. "I really hate carrying a purse, so I just keep my things in my God given purse," she explained with a shrug.
"That works, but that's also why we have pockets."
"Do you see any pockets on my outfit?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she spun slowly in a circle. I appreciated that she did that because it gave me the full view of her. Her legs were impossibly long for being so short, and they were so toned. I was glad she decided to wear a skirt, a very short skirt. Her stomach was showing, and I made sure to take in everything from the muscles on her stomach, to the dimples in her lower back.
I had barely noticed that she had stopped spinning and that she was staring at me until she cleared her throat. She had a smug smile on her face. "Are you done ogling now? I'm pretty hungry," she said with amusement in her voice.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry," I shook my head trying to snap out of it. Girls never made me feel like an idiot, but she did which gave me more of a reason to be pissed at her, which fueled my revenge fire and put out the lust fire. "You look really good," I said as we stepped out the door. I opened her door for her and made sure she was in before shutting it.
"Is there any place particular that you wanted to go?" I asked as I took off down the road.
"No, you're the guy, you have to do all the work, at least on the first date," she said. I looked over and saw her smiling at me.
"Good thing I planned ahead then."
"You know what, I've never been on a date," she admitted.
"Why not?" I would have been surprised if I hadn't talked to the bartender at The Club the last time I was there.
"I just don't date guys," she shrugged. "I was taught not to trust people. Though I do trust people too easily, it's a stupid flaw I guess. I'm not quite sure why I was taught that, it probably has something to do with my dad's job. It's also why I've never been out of this town, or had a job, or moved out of my parents house. I'm twenty years old and am still being controlled by my parents. The most rebelling I've ever done is going to The Club on the weekends instead of staying in at Beth's house," she told me, looking out the window as I stole a glance at her. She sighed. "I'm just sick of being looked at like this fragile little thing. I mean… Fuck… I've had all sorts of self defense training, I can kill somebody in the blink of an eye if I had to. What the hell else do I have to do?" She scrunched her face up in anger, which I thought was extremely hot for some reason.
"You're twenty, just move out. It's a free country," I said simply. She gave a short laugh.
"Even if I did move out, they would find a way to control me. I understand that it's for my safety because they love me and whatever, but there is such thing as being too overprotective," she said with a sigh. "Wow, I think this is about the fiftieth time I've bitched to you. Why did you want to go out on a date with me again?" She asked, looking at me with a small smile on her face.
"I really don't mind, and I can't say that I understand where you're coming from because that would be a lie, and I've already lied to you once. But I can try and be empathetic," I said, turning down the main road to town. "How does Chinese sound?" I asked, spotting a buffet.
"Great, but stop me after two plates please. I don't want to go to the club looking like a blowfish," she said. I laughed.
"You'd make a hot blowfish."
"Right, that sounds so weird," she said laughing quietly. "But I appreciate the compliments." I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and we went inside. I was instantly overwhelmed by all the different smells and my stomach growled accordingly. Lillian laughed and patted my stomach, letting her hand linger longer than necessary.
"You totally just copped a feel!" I told her with a smile.
"It wasn't my intention, but I'm a sucker for a nice set of abs," she admitted.
"Babe, you can feel them any time you want," I said with a wink. She rolled her eyes at me but smiled. A short Chinese girl seated us and told us in broken English to help ourselves to the bar.
"So, how long are you here for?" She asked after we had gotten our first plates and began eating. I shrugged my shoulders.
"It doesn't really matter, I have no deadline. Money's no object either, so I can stay in the hotel as long as I want. The little town is starting to grow on me, I might find a place to rent," that was a lie. I hate small towns. They're so boring. I made sure throughout the week to be seen checking out the stores and asking questions, but besides that and going to the club every night, there wasn't much to do. Though the girls were easy enough, that was a plus.
"Don't settle down too fast, it's quite boring around here. I'd definitely choose the city if I could move everyone from town in. We're pretty close knit here. My grandpa is actually the mayor. So if you need to talk to him about anything, I could get you in to meet him easily," she offered.
"No, I don't think I'll need to speak with him," I didn't want to talk to him. George Costa was the ring leader of the gang. He knew everything about anything, and I'm sure he had seen a picture of me, even if I don't have paperwork. It was too risky. "Really just talking to the small town folk is fine. They have the most input anyway," I explained. She nodded.
"Well, the offer's there if you ever change your mind," we continued eating and chatti
ng about random things, nothing too personal. She was being guarded, I could tell. I'm sure she was raised to be that way. I was going to break down her defenses though, but I was having second thoughts about crushing her spirit. It's what made her who she was. She honestly loved life, and I didn't want to wipe that smile from her face or the gleam in her eyes. I liked it.
I stopped my thinking fast, it was a dangerous road. I would not like that girl, everything that I dreamed of relied on me hating her. Absolutely everything.
We made our way to the club and she introduced me to her friend Beth. She was a round girl and very tall. She had enough personality for everyone in the club and she annoyed the shit out of me. I couldn't see how two people could be 'best friends' and be so different. But I put my charm on and Beth immediately loved me.
I finally stole Lillian away to get the dance I had been denied when I first met her. I pulled her close to me, my hands settling on her waist, as she set her arms around my neck, and when we moved, damn did it feel good. I'm not romantic, and I don't believe in soul mates, let me get that across right now before I say what I'm going to say next… We were made to dance with each other. We had great chemistry and we just fit. And as her hands moved over my body I heated up. Her gaze didn't waver from mine, and I saw a mixture of smugness and awe in them. She could feel what I was feeling and I knew it.
I pulled her closer to me and we stopped dancing. Our faces were so close and I had never anticipated a kiss more than I did that one. I was almost nervous…Almost. I moved in slowly and when I thought I was going to meet her lips, she turned her head and I got her cheek instead. She quickly pulled away from me. I wanted to pull her back, but forced myself not to. She stared at me for a minute, I could see the haze that was over her eyes. She shook her head and looked at me again. "Sorry bud, not on the first date," she said with a smile and walked off to the bar.
Try as I might, I couldn't be angry with her. Not even when some guy laughed in my face about it. I found that I respected her more because she didn't just give me what I wanted because I wanted it. It was an odd feeling, being rejected and being proud of someone for rejecting me. I walked over to where she was and sat down on the stool next to her. She smiled at me again and I felt my heartbeat speed a little bit. I really needed to cut that shit out. I hardened myself towards her as best as I could, I just hoped it would be hard enough.
Chapter Eight: Washing a Car Has Never Been So Much Fun
There is a time for daring and a time for caution, and a wise man knows which is called for
-Robin Williams, in Dead Poets Society
I'm surprised that Decklin still talked to me after I wouldn't kiss him. He strikes me as the type of guy who doesn't take no for an answer, one of those guys who always gets what he wants. I wouldn't have blamed him for not talking to me, even if it was over something as petty as a kiss.
But instead of shunning me, I saw a new spark in his eyes. I couldn't quite describe it. Admiration maybe? I don't know. I don't pride myself in being able to read people. We danced again after that, my oh my is he a good dancer. I've never had that good of chemistry with anyone when it comes to dancing. It made me want to kiss him, but I wouldn't it. It was a rule, no kissing on the first date… Well, I had never been on a date before, but he had to know that if he wanted me, he had to work for it. I'm not just another slutty girl.
He took me out on dates a lot over the next couple weeks. He never tried to make a move on me again. Maybe he was waiting for me to make the first move, not wanting to get rejected twice. I wouldn't reject him again. No, I wanted to kiss him now, and if I wanted it, I had to go for it. So I concocted a plan.
I rang him up, the day after our last date which was three weeks after our first date.. We had gone two tracking and so the jeep that we owned was a mess.
"Hello beautiful," he answered. I smiled. Yeah, I would never get tired of him calling me that.
"Hey, do you want to come over today?" I asked him. My parents and brother were going to be gone, so it was the perfect day for him to come over. Not that I planned anything more than kissing.
"Sure, can I bring anything?"
"Do you have swim trunks?" I asked.
"I didn't bring any with me, why?" He asked, obviously confused. There weren't really any lakes around and he didn't know we had a pool.
"Cause you'll need some. But don't worry you can borrow some of my brother's," I told him.
"What exactly are we doing?" I heard hesitation in his voice.
"You'll see," I said in a sing-song voice. I heard him laugh.
"I can already tell it's going to be good," he said.
"Psh, would I plan anything not good?" Okay, I was being a little big headed, a girl's entitled to that every now and again.
"From what I know of you, no. When do you want me over?"
"Whenever. I've got the house to myself all day and I'm bored, so I thought up an activity, I can do it by myself, but it'll be much more fun if you're here," I told him.
"Alright, give me fifteen minutes," he said.
"Perfect, I'll see you then," I said. He told me goodbye and I hung up. I ran upstairs to put on my bathing suit. I had four of them, but I chose my favorite one. It was an aqua bikini with a seashell in the middle of cups on the top. It was cute and looked great on me. I went into my brother's room and pulled out a pair of swim trunks for Decklin. I got a couple of buckets and filled them with hot soapy water and took them outside. I went into our garage and got some sponges and got the hose out. I parked the Jeep in front of the house so the hose could reach it, and then I waited.
I didn't have to wait long, fifteen minutes Decklin time was ten minutes normal person time. He turned off the car but sat, staring at me. I smirked, walking over to him. I leaned down towards his open window. "Are you going to sit there and stare all day, or are you going to help clean up the mess you had a part in making?" I asked him. He shook his head and grinned at me.
"Sorry, but you are really hot," I liked how he didn't try to cover up the fact that he was staring. I smiled at him. "I've never looked more forward to washing a car than I am now," he said with a silly grin on his face. I laughed and backed away from the door so he could open it. I went to the porch and grabbed the shorts for him.
"You and my brother are around the same size, so these should work for you," I said throwing them at him. "You can go in and change; do you want anything to drink?" I asked.
"Sure," he said, following me into the house.
"We have water, lemonade, beer, vodka, and milk," I told him.
"Pink or regular lemonade?" He questioned, stopping in front of the bathroom.
"Pink of course, only the best."
"Lemonade then please," he winked at me before going into the bathroom and closing the door. I smiled. Damn if he wasn't hot. I got the lemonade out and started pouring it. I was pouring the second glass when I felt arms go around my waist, hugging me to a toned (and bare) chest. I smiled to myself. He was copping a feel and I was definitely not fooled. But I let him, feeling shivers go through me as his hands traced my stomach. He kissed my head and backed away.
"Ready for grueling work?" I asked with a smile. He laughed.
"Definitely," he said, taking his glass. "Thanks for the drink," he added as we walked outside. I nodded.
"Alright, we have two hoses and I got some buckets with soap in them already, and sponges too. I think we're all set." And with that, we got to work. We rinsed the jeep off first, cracking jokes, laughing and spraying each other with the hoses. Once it was thoroughly cleaned off we started rubbing it down with the soapy water. I could feel Decklin's eyes on me as I tried to get the middle of the hood of the jeep. I was short, so I had to bend pretty far to reach. I turned and caught him checking out my butt and grinned at him, raising an eyebrow. He just smiled boyishly, raising his shoulders and holding out his hands to the sides of him. I laughed and grabbed the hose that was next to me, spraying him with
"Hey!" He shouted at me. I laughed as he started chasing me. I ran through the yard and into the back where the pool was when he finally caught up with me. He grabbed me around the waist and lifted me. I saw him eyeing the pool.
"Oh no, oh no no no," I said while still laughing. He grinned devilishly at me and jumped with me into the pool. While under water he let go of me and we both swam to the top. I splashed him in the face. "Not cool," I said, mock pouting.
"No, you spraying me with the hose is not cool," he said. I rolled my eyes and gave him a push. He hit the side of the pool. I swam over to him and put both of my hands on either side of his head on the ledge of the pool. I stared at him for a minute, working up my nerve. He was gazing at me intensely. I looked down at his mouth and bit my bottom lip. He noticed this and smirked. "Just do it already," he said. I looked back up at him as his hands came to my hips, pulling me closer. I waited another five seconds before he sighed and locked his lips with mine.
I let my eyes close and wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved his hands down and grabbed my thighs and wrapped them around his waist before moving one hand to my lower back and the other in my hair. Our lips molded together, sending shocks through my body. I held him tighter as he slanted his mouth over mine and licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and then our tongues were dancing. It was perfect. He knew what he was doing, his tongue expertly caressed mine and I sighed into his mouth. He held me tighter, the hand that was on my back was massaging and I arched into him. He broke away gasping. I had to catch my breath too.
"I've been waiting so long to do that," he told me breathlessly. He kissed me again, softly this time. "It was so worth the wait," he added. I smiled and kissed him again.
"I'm glad. That was my whole plan in getting you to come over today," I said with a blush. He laughed.