Sweet Is Revenge Read online

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  "You were going to seduce me by making me wash a car?" He asked, amusement lit his eyes up. I shrugged.

  "I figured me being in a bikini would help," I said smiling at him. He shook his head slightly.

  "You are one of a kind and amazing Lil," he said quietly. I smiled.

  "Tell me something I don't know," I said smugly. He laughed.

  "One minute you're blushing and unsure of yourself, then you're as cocky as I am. I don't get you, but I like it," he said and waited a minute before continuing. "So, we've never really discussed where we stand in our relationship," he said hesitantly. I tilted my head to the side questioningly. "So, I want to make sure, are we dating exclusively? Do you want to date exclusively?" He asked, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

  "Like, you want me to be your girlfriend?" I asked with a small smile. He sighed.

  "That makes me feel like I'm in high school again, there has to be a different label… But yeah, that's what I'm asking," he said, finally looking me into the eyes. I smiled at him.

  "Yeah, I'd like that," I told him. A bright smile lit up his face and I could have melted. He kissed me again and then hugged me, spinning around in the pool.

  "You've just made me so happy," he said with the smile still on his face. I smiled too, spreading my arms out and leaning my head back as he spun around. I suddenly felt really free, and I definitely liked the feeling.

  Chapter Nine: Into the CityI kinda like when you turn away and lower your voice when you singI kinda like when you're making funny faces in the mirror in my car.

  And this may not be knew newsBut here's the conclusion I came to That I kinda like you

  - I Kinda Like You by Jeremy Ashida


  The month went on agonizingly slow from the time after our first date. I was so bored of pretending to check places out for a job that didn't even exist in the first place. I was so pent up with sexual frustration that I was going crazy. I tried going to The Club and picking up girls, but every time I was almost there, Lillian's face would show up in my mind and I would feel like a cheating bastard. It wasn't supposed to be like that. Not at all. I was getting pissier with each passing day.

  I had made up my mind to let her be the initiator of anything physical between us. I didn't want to push my luck. She hugged a lot, but that was about it. And each time she did it this indescribable feeling would come to my gut and I didn't know what to do about it. It felt like I was getting warm, without really getting 'hot and bothered', all because of a stupid hug. What the hell did that mean?

  Finally she did kiss me… Well, she wanted to, but wasn't going to do it so I kissed her. Holy hell, she must have had a lot of experience because it was pretty good for a kiss. I'm more for the touching of other body parts and the main act itself, but the kiss had me about going in my swim trunks. Believe me, I am not easy to please- so that should tell you something.

  And it was so easy to pretend to be this happy good guy who finally got his girl. I have to admit, even though I don't like it, I was happy to know that she was mine alone. No, happy wasn't really it, more like… Smug. I'm a cocky bastard and that just boosted my ego a lot more. I mean, I got the girl who never dates or sleeps around, how good am I?

  A week after she kissed me we were trying to plan on doing something. I was so bored of the town that I thought I might kill myself. We had gone almost everywhere in the town. "Let's go to the city, you've never been there before," I suggested, truly hoping she would say yes. I missed the night life and the busyness.

  "I can ask my dad," she said nervously. The girl was kept under lock and key. It drove me insane. I am one who needs my freedom, and that she had to go asking daddy for anything really pissed me off. But I had to stay in their good graces. I still didn't have my plan fully figured out to get rid of them, but I did have a few ideas, and they would take time. I had gotten good at waiting over the years, so it wasn't too much of a hassle.

  The only negative part was being in the room with Delilah. I respected Isaiah, which was something I never thought I would do. But his stupid wife was the one who killed my father. I couldn't look past that, I didn't even try.

  "I can talk to him if you want, I mean I'm pretty sure he trusts me now," I said to her. She smiled at me, damn she had a beautiful smile.

  "That'd be great. He should be home soon, we can ask him then," she said. At that time the door opened and Isaiah walked through.

  "Hey babe," he said to Lillian, he nodded to me, "Decklin," he said with warmth in his eyes. I knew that he looked at me like a son because I didn't have any parents. I didn't want his pity though. If it weren't for his wife I wouldn't be in that situation.

  "Daddy," Lillian started out in a small voice. I bit back a smile, she had the big eyes going on and was looking at her dad with a small smile. He sighed.

  "Oh great, what does she want?" He asked, looking to me and rolling his eyes. Before Lillian could speak again I stepped in.

  "Sir, I would like to take your daughter to the city with me, just for the night. I will watch over her, I won't let anything happen to her," I said, wrapping my arm around her waist, looking Isaiah straight in the eye.

  "Boy, you don't even know how to shoot a gun, how could you protect her?" He asked, crossing his arms.

  "He does know how to dad. He didn't want to show me up the first time we really hung out. But he's really good. I've been with him since, he can almost outshoot me," she stuck up for me.

  "I also have had defense training. When you live by yourself with really no family, you have to know how to protect yourself," I told him. He glared at me.

  "What do you have planned?" He asked suspiciously.

  "I'm not going to take advantage of her, if that's what you're worried about, we've been alone before," I told him.

  "Yeah dad, he wouldn't even kiss me for the first month," Lillian added. I glared at her, she really didn't have to say that. Isaiah laughed. I turned my glare to him.

  "A gentleman eh?" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I guess you can go," he said begrudgingly. Lillian smiled a smile so bright I thought I'd go blind by it. I could tell she was extremely excited and I smiled because of it. Then I mentally scowled when I figured out inside I was truly happy that she was so happy. She was just a girl. Just a stupid pretty girl who I was going to kill.

  "Lil, I want you to take my gun, just in case," Isaiah told her. Her eyes got wide.

  "Dad, I can't just carry a gun with me," she protested.

  "You have a license, and you're going to carry one or you can't go," he said in an authoritive tone.

  "It's okay Lillian, a lot of people carry guns in the city," I reasoned with her. She didn't look happy but she sighed and nodded. Isaiah went to get his gun. She turned to me and hugged me, leaning against my body. I hung my arms loosely around her waist.

  "Thank you so much," she said, nuzzling my chest. I smiled and kissed her head.

  "You're welcome. You're going to love it," I told her. She reached up to give me a chaste kiss. Again I was struck by how odd it was to be in an actual relationship. I don't think I've ever just kissed a girl. It's always been a heated make out session with lots of touching. But I kind of liked it, a little bit. And Lil was so cute reaching up her pretty little mouth to kiss me. It was official, I was turning into a sap.

  "I'm just going to go pack an overnight bag. Do I need anything in particular?" She asked. I grinned.

  "Lingerie, skimpy clothes, and a naughty nurse's costume?" I said jokingly. She looked at me open mouthed for a minute before laughing and hitting my arm.

  "Get real," she said with a roll of her eyes. I sighed dramatically.

  "Okay, it was worth a shot. A bathing suit, my apartment complex has a pool and hot tub. Other than that, just clothes and whatever else you girls need for every day."

  "Can I bring my camera?" She asked with bright eyes.

  "Of course not," I told her sarcastically.

  "Thank you," she s
aid and ran upstairs to get her things together. I sat down on the couch to wait. Isaiah came up from downstairs with a gun in his hands. He looked at me before taking a seat in the chair across from the couch.

  "Alright Decklin, I'm still not sure about her being in the city, there are some bad people up in that area. But what I am sure about is that you'll be able to take care of my daughter. I trust her with you, which is a big thing because she's my little girl and I don't trust people easily. So if she comes back with a scratch on her, I won't hesitate to beat you to a pulp. I may be old, but I'm still strong," he said seriously. I didn't doubt him. I had read his file. He was the one who was sent to get the toughest of our crew. He did a thorough job too.

  "I understand Sir," I told him. He nodded and handed me the gun.

  "Make sure she gets that, will you?" And then he walked away.

  Lillian came down with a surprisingly small bag. I was under the impression that all women needed two suitcases to go anywhere even if it was just for the night. But like in everything else, Lillian surprised me. She was truly one of a kind.

  "Ready to go?" I asked with a smile.

  "More than ready," she replied. I took her hand and walked her to the car. Once we were in I gave her the gun.

  "Your dad wanted me to make sure you got this," I told her. She sighed and stuffed it in her purse after making sure the safety was on. She gave me a small smile and we were off.

  The road trip there was fun. We talked a lot and listened to loud music. It was cute, when she sang she kind of turned away from me, facing the window and lowered her voice like she was shy. I smiled at that.

  "Oh come on, belt it out! No need to be shy," I said laughing. She blushed and shook her head.

  "I was not blessed with a good singing voice, you do not want to witness it," she said with a small smile. I tried a few more times to get her to sing but she was unrelenting. She never gave in, she was stubborn and I found myself really liking that about her. In fact, I found myself really liking her.

  Chapter Ten: The MomentHe will wait until

  You give yourself to him

  Echo and the Bunnymen- The Killing Moon lyrics

  Bachelor pad. Those were the first two words that came to my mind when I saw Decklin's condo. A very nice bachelor pad at that. The place was spotless, he must have had a maid. The floors were marble in the entryway and the kitchen and the bathrooms, the rest of them were hard wood. He had a loft where he slept, and the downstairs had two bedrooms. It was all very modern and I loved it.

  "You live here by yourself?" I asked as I looked towards the wall made purely of windows, looking over the city.

  "Yeah, I throw a lot of parties though, so it never gets too boring," he said, walking up the stairs. I followed him. His room was very neat and didn't have much personality. There weren't any pictures, nothing laying around, nothing that showed who he truly was. He had a large bed that I found out later was extremely comfortable with a feather topper. Next to it was a night stand with a lamp on it and an alarm clock. Along the right wall was a desk that had a computer and keyboard, and a pen holder but no papers on it or anything else. Next to it sat a dresser that was bare on top. Next to that was a sliding glass door that led out to a balcony where a small table with two chairs were. On the left wall was a closet, and a door that I'm assuming lead to a bathroom, It was utterly boring and I told him as much. He just smiled slightly at me, a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

  "I really have nothing personal to put anywhere. You won't find pictures of family because I really don't have family. I don't collect anything either. I'm pretty boring actually," he said with a frown. "How'd I land a girl like you?" He asked. I laughed.

  "I don't think you're boring at all. Sure your house could use some touching up, but if you're always out and about running around for your uncle, there's really no need. Plus if you throw parties a lot, there's a risk something could get broken, so whatever. If you're comfortable here," I said with a shrug. I felt bad for him really. He had no one except his uncle whom he didn't like. I'm sure he had friends, but how many people were using him for his money? I would just have to prove to him that I was someone he could trust and that I wasn't really gaining anything by being with him, except for him himself. I had a feeling that a lot of people used him for what they could gain instead of wanting an actual friendship.

  "At least you don't want to redecorate my apartment like most girls. It's so annoying. Especially when I don't even really know someone and they're already telling me what color I should paint the walls and how I should rearrange my furniture," he rolled his eyes.

  "It's not my place to do anything with it. And even if it was, I'd probably be too lazy to anyway," I said smiling at him. He smiled back as he booted up his computer.

  "I just need to check my email real quick, then my whole night is dedicated to you. We can go wherever you want to go and do whatever you want to do," he said smiling at me.

  "Sounds like a plan, I'm going to go change. I really want to go to a real club, and I'm not really dressed for that," I said before heading to his bathroom.

  The bathroom was extravagant, but I wasn't too impressed considering my parents bathroom. My mom loves her baths and her only request when they bought a house is that it had a big tub. Decklin definitely had a huge tub with jets and everything. It, like the rest of the house was lacking personality though. Mom's tub was surrounded by candles and bubbles in bottles, his was bare. I wondered how many people had been in there, with him accompanying them. My stomach turned. I didn't want to think about that. I turned away from it and dug through my bag, pulling out my favorite black leather pants and a sleeveless top. I didn't really like leather, it was sticky and got hot too easily, but I didn't know how many chances I would have to go to a real club in the city, so I chose to wear them despite discomfort.

  I threw on some quick make up, something I rarely ever wore. But again, this could be a once in a life time opportunity. I lined my eyes with black and put on some mascara. I put gold shimmer on my eyelids and lip gloss on. That's all I needed. I smiled at my reflection and then proceeded to make funny faces at myself. It was a hobby of mine, if not a weird one. I heard a knock on the door and told Decklin he could come in. He opened it quicker than I thought he would and caught me making faces in the mirror. He laughed and I found myself blushing. I turned and smiled at him.

  He had changed too. He was wearing black dress pants and a tight white shirt with a blue button up over it. He smiled at me as he walked towards me. He stopped in front of me and placed his hands on my bare hips. "You look gorgeous," he said in a whisper before he kissed me. He pulled away quickly and frowned. "You should ditch the lip gloss. It's much more pleasant kissing you without it. And your lips look good without it anyway," he said before kissing my cheek. He reached around me to get his hair gel before stopping and looking at me. "You know, I wasn't actually telling you what to do," he said as a second though. I had to laugh.

  "I know you weren't. I like knowing your preferences, don't be afraid to tell me Decklin," I said with a small smile, grabbing some toilet paper and wiping my lips with it. I threw it away and hoisted myself onto the sink, leaning back against the mirror and watching as Decklin carefully rearranged his hair. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

  "What?" He asked as I stared at him. I just smiled and didn't say anything. "Believe it or not, some guys actually care about their appearance too," he said as he closed the gel and stood in front of me between my legs.

  "Oh I know. I live with the diva of all males. Sometimes my brother takes more time than me to get ready," I told him, leaning forward and draping my arms over his shoulders. He brought his hands around my back and pulled me forward except I didn't move easily. "Damn leather pants," I muttered, scooting myself forward. He laughed before kissing me softly. I tightened my hold on him and deepened the kiss. I loved kissing him. His mouth was magic and utterly addicting. I sighed contentedly as one of his hands ran u
p and down my back, massaging. I pulled away. "We have to stop, otherwise my hands will take over and ruin your freshly fixed hair," I told him. He laughed.

  "I'm glad we're fighting the same urges. We also have to stop in case more serious urges take over me," he said with a half smile. I kissed him lightly again before he backed away and I hopped off the counter. "So, since it's late I figure we can just go to the club tonight, maybe a couple of them if you want, and then tomorrow we can tour the city. Does that sound okay?" He asked as he grabbed his wallet and put it in his back pocket.

  "Sounds great," I told him as I found my ID and some money. I followed Decklin's actions and put them in my back pocket which was a chore because the pants were so tight it was hard getting my hand in and out of them. He held the door open for me, locking it on his way out and we were off.

  * * *

  I never realized how beautiful the city could be at night time. Of course I'd seen pictures, but nothing was like the real thing. All the buildings were lit up which made up for the lack of visible stars. Sounds could be heard everywhere, people laughing, cars going by, music coming out of every building, it was magnificent. Some of the buildings even had lights that spelled things across them or made pictures. I was definitely thrilled. Decklin decided that we should walk because I wanted to see everything, and it would take an hour to get somewhere in a car when you could get there in twenty minutes by walking. He was greeted by a few people, but kept everything short and his voice got colder as he talked to them. I didn't really like that, but he must have had a good reason to be so frigid towards those people.

  We finally reached a club and it was ten times more impressive than the one back home. It was four stories high and the building practically shook with the bass pumping. We didn't even need to flash the guy our ID's because he knew Decklin, he was a regular. The lighting was amazing, all different colors and designs in the bulbs, there was smoke machines and an actual DJ rather than just a few mix cd's playing. Decklin led me to the bar first and he ordered us drinks while I looked around at all the people. Everyone was dressed so nice and edgy. There were people with multi colored hair and futuristic clothing. I must have had my mouth open because Decklin brought his hand up and closed it for me. I blushed.